"Where am I going to wear this?"

We hear this all the time.... "This is beautiful but where would I wear something like this?"
Our answer is of course, "wherever you want!"
It makes us heartbroken to think about all of the gorgeous jewelry that is sad and lonely sitting in drawers, jewelry boxes or safety deposit boxes. Or worse yet, the beautiful new jewelry in our cases just waiting to go to a good home.Yet, these divine pieces are overlooked because someone "just doesn't know where to wear it".
Personally, if I love a piece of jewelry I will find a place to wear it. I will wear it around the house, I will wear it to the grocery store... hold on guys I just got super inspired.
Now my Ode To Wearing Jewelry:
I will wear it in a house, I will wear it with my spouse.. I will wear it down the stairs, or to a tea party with teddy bears.
I will wear it on a boat that sails or while drinking cocktails.
I will wear it to the school or while laying by the pool.
I will wear it in the car. I will wear it near and far.
On a train or in a plane. In the sun or in the rain.
I will wear it hear or there - I will wear it EVERYWEAR!
I totally understand where you are coming from. There was a time in my life when I was a stay at home mom. My kids were little and we did not get out very often. There were tiny hands who loved to grab onto chains and break them. I was constantly cleaning bottles and other dishes, doing laundry and was covered in spitup. Did I wear jewelry everyday? You bet I did! Wearing beautiful jewelry was something that made me feel happy. Even when I was carrying around babyweight and feeling gross or after my foot surgery. When I am feeling my worst I put on my favorite jewelry. Why is that? Because no matter what, wearing a favorite piece of jewelry makes me feel more confident and pretty. Plus, jewelry always fits, and if it doesn't it is an easy fix. I had sturdy every day pieces that were easy to wear but not easy to break. I had nicer things I would wear out to play dates or the grocery store or to Doctor appointments. There are a few pieces I saved for the occasional date night or dinner with friends. The point is - there is always a place to wear jewelry... and if you aren't sure just ask us.
Listen, I get it - you probably should not wear a huge emerald cocktail ring whilst scrubbing toilets. However, there are many other places to wear that emerald ring. Jewelry is meant to be worn. It is made to make you feel good. Let it fulfill it's destiny!
If there is a piece fo jewelry you love simply wear it.